ABC (Political Radar): Fred Thompson Launches '08 Website
Atlantic City Press: Clinton courting non-voting women
Christian Science Monitor: Can the religious left sway the '08 race?
Clarksville (TN) Leaf-Chronicle: Barack Obama visits Bredesen, Naifeh at Tenn. capitol
CNN (Political Ticker): We’ve got the spins
CNN (Political Ticker): What is an American?
CNN (Political Ticker): McCain: It’s not ‘amnesty’
CNN (Political Ticker): Romney spins Giuliani joke
CNN: 'Massachusetts factor' raises stakes for Romney
CNN: Republicans battle on Iraq, immigration, energy
Des Moines Register: Hunter touches on Iowa Swift raids
FirstCoastNews (Jacksonville): Clinton Campaign Stop Marred by Typo (w/ Video)
Fox News: Video: Fred Thompson with Sean Hannity (Part 1)
Fox News: Video: Fred Thompson with Sean Hannity (Part 2)
Fox News: Video: Fred Thompson with Sean Hannity (Part 3)
Fox News: Video: McCain Doesn't Mince Words in support of immigration bill
Hot Springs Village Voice: New book on Hillary raises old questions (Small Preview Avail; Free after 4 Weeks)
KCBS (Los Angeles): Video: Hillary Says Faith Helped Her Cope During Bill's Infidelity
KCNC (Denver): Author: Hillary Interrogated Bill's Paramours (Amazon)
KMOV (St Louis): Former Senator Danforth talks about Republican debate
Los Angeles Times: Univision proposes presidential debate for Spanish-speaking audience
Minneapolis Star-Tribune: Politics takes back seat as 2008 convention host cities raise money
Minneapolis Star-Tribune: E.J. Dionne Jr.: Candidate Biden deserves a higher profile
Morris Daily Record: New voting machines put to test in primaries
MSNBC: Video: Battle of the Thompsons
NBC (Nightly News): Religious faith becomes talking point for candidates
New York Newsday: Rudy sidesteps questions of faith
New York Observer: Rudy Mum On Bloomberg's Terror Comment
New York Observer: Hillary Supporter: She's Really Competing In Iowa
New York Times: Is U.S. Safer Since 9/11? Clinton and Rivals Spar
Oak Park (IL) Wednesday Journal: Middle School Students: Taking their first political steps
Omaha World-Herald: Romney 'pandering' on immigration, McCain says
Omaha World-Herald: Clinton expands Iowa campaign leadership team
Orlando Sentinel: Legislative leaders agree to presidential primary tax relief vote
Providence Journal: Giuliani to stop at Carnegie Abbey Club, too
Rocky Mountain News: Tancredo to change direction of his campaign
Santa Fe New Mexican: Spanish language seeps into presidential debate
Tacoma News Tribune: Primary will play key role for GOP
The Hill (Pundit Blog): Dick Morris: Iraq will become Hillary's war
The Hill (Pundit Blog): : John Fortier: The forecast for Fred
The Hill (Pundit Blog): : David Hill: Thompson should skip Iowa poll
The Hill: Spanish TV puts '08 hopefuls into a bind
The Hill: Fred's Founders seek $4.6M
The Olympian: State presidential primary in February likely, Reed says
WCBS (New York): Video: Unauthorized Biographies Anger Hillary Clinton Camp (Amazon & Amazon
Wenatchee (WA) World: Primary to determine 51 percent of GOP delegates
WJAR (Providence): Bishop's Column On Giuliani Garners National Attention
WKRN (Nashville): Presidential Hopeful Barack Obama Visits Nashville
WTKR (Norfolk): Obama Makes Stop In Hampton
WTVM (Columbus, GA): Presidential Hopefuls Capture National Spotlight but Not Some Voters Attention
WVEC (Norfolk): Video: Presidential Hopeful Obama visits HU
Note: For more debate coverage including clips, pre and post-debate info,
please see the surrounding posts or follow the debates tag