Your One-Stop Source for News about the Candidates and their Presidential Campaigns - Father's Day

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

12412 hrs, 39 mins until Election Day

As has and will be noted;

         For more debate coverage including clips, pre and post-debate info,
         please see the surrounding posts or follow the debates tag.

Though for coverage specific to the actual events of the prior debates,
the following tags would produce more targeted results;

democratic debate
republican debate

ABC (Political Radar): '08 Presidential Debates in espanol?
Boston Globe: Immigration looms large as Republicans gather for third debate
Chicago Tribune: Democratic hopefuls spar on Iraq war in Rosemont
CNN (Political Ticker): Biden: There's a place in hell for terrorists
CNN (Political Ticker): GOP candidates take a test drive
CNN (Political Ticker): Richardson and Dodd defend values and beliefs
CNN (Political Ticker): New Hampshire GOP voters will be looking for clarity, leadership
CNN (Political Ticker): Group to take anti-war message to the sky tonight
CNN (Political Ticker): Schneider witnesses 'New Hampshire hospitality'
Dodge City (KS) High Plains Journal: Brownback, Roberts announce final passage of tornado relief fun
Greenville (SC) News: Pickens' Anthony named to Romney committee
KCNC (Denver): Video: Protestors Want Denver City Council To Place Rules On Police
KPRC (Houston): Obama Warns Of Black 'Quiet Riot'
KUSA (Denver): Denver misses first fundraising deadline for '08 convention
Manchester Union-Leader: Sen. Clinton to address Central grads
Manchester Union-Leader: Poll: Clinton leads Democrats in New Hampshire after debate
Manchester Union-Leader: Hollywood faces join in the debate
MSNBC (Hardball): Video: Journalist arrested at democratic debate: 'I’m innocent'
MSNBC (Tucker): Video: Clinton, Obama tied?
New York Daily News: Dems confess sins and testify for the faithful
New York Newsday: Poll has Clinton, Obama in dead heat
Newport News Daily Press: Barack Obama slams social shortfalls in America
Newport News Daily Press: Obama Warns of 'Quiet Riot' Among Blacks
News & Observer: Elizabeth Edwards compares husband to Helms
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Hillary battles Barack
Quad City Times: Clinton changes her Iowa campaign staff
The Hill: Campaign Video: Kucinich: No More Blood for Oil
The State: BlogPost: S.C. Politics Today / Romney names finance team
Washington Post: GOP Candidates to Debate on War, Social Issues
Washington Post: The Fix: Liveblogging the Republican Debate
WBBM (Chicago): Video: Obama Says White House Ignores "Quiet Riot" Among Blacks
WBZ (Boston): Video: Keller: Clinton Campaign Celebrating Debate Victory
WCAV (Charlottesville): Obama Speaks In Virginia
WCBS (New York): Bernstein: Hillary Interrogated Bill's Paramours
WIS (Columbia): Romney taps Upstate developer, state senator for fundraising committee
WKRN (Nashville): Barack Obama Spends Time In Music City
WKRN (Nashville): Democratic Presidential Candidates Talk Faith, Religion
WMTW (Portland, ME): Video: Candidates Say Debate Provides Equal Stage
WMUR (Manchester): Republicans To Take Stage For Debate
WMUR (Manchester): Republican Candidates Meet Voters Before Debate
WMUR (Manchester): Responses To Debate Measured In Real Time
WNBC (New York): Bloomberg Joins Presidential Contenders At Conference
WNEM (Saginaw): Ten GOP Candidates Prepare For Upcoming Debate
WOOD (Grand Rapids): Immigration is front and center as Republicans prepare to debate
WPLG (Miami): Video: GOP Candidates Ready For Debate
WPLG (Miami): Video: Debates Now Hand-Raising Experience
WTKR (Norfolk): Obama Makes Stop In Hampton
WTOC (Savannah): Elizabeth Edward's Was in Town
WTVY (Dothan, AL): John McCain, Ann Romney to Campaign in Alabama