Your One-Stop Source for News about the Candidates and their Presidential Campaigns - Father's Day

Sunday, June 3, 2007

12457 hrs, 4 mins until Election Day

ABC News: Democrats Get Combative Over Iraq
ABC News: Fred Thompson Offers 'Comeback Trail'
Arizona Republic: McCain: Exploiting immigration for politics makes problem worse
Boston Globe: War, not weather drives supporters to rain debate site
CBS News: Edwards, Clinton And Obama Spar On Iraq
Chicago Tribune: Dems duke it out in New Hampshire
CNN (Political Ticker): New Hampshire Sketch: A Democratic powerbroker
CNN (Political Ticker): Democratic presidential hopefuls unplugged
CNN (Political Ticker): Obama sorry for interrupting Yankees-Sox
CNN (Political Ticker): Does Biden still have it?
CNN (Political Ticker): Columnist/Author released after being arrested in Spin Room
CNN (Political Ticker): Debate scorecard
CNN (Political Ticker): No clear winner from inside the “Red Zone”
CNN: Democrats takes shots at each other in N.H. debate
CNN: Video: Audience reaction
CNN: Video: Debate commentary
CNN: Video: Democrats clash over Iraq - Candy Crowley reports
Fox News: Newt Gingrich Outlines Problems With Bush Administration
KESQ (Palm Springs): Democratic candidates debate in New Hampshire
KUSA (Denver): Al Gore featured speaker at Denver conference
KUTV (Salt Lake City): Web Extra: What Would Clinton, Obama and Edwards Do If Elected President?
KYW (Philadelphia): Video: Democratic Presidential Candidates Square Off In Debate (CBS News Report)
Los Angeles Times: Democrats debate politely except on the war
Manchester Union-Leader: Foreign reporters see 'star power' in Democrats
Mason City (IA) Globe-Gazette: Five Democrats seek caucus support at fundraiser
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Nichols: Tommy's got a lonely row to hoe in Iowa
Naples Daily News: Giuliani: JFK airport plot emphasizes need to fight terrorism
NBC (Nightly News): Video: Is Fred. Thompson 'Mr. Right' for GOP?
New York Daily News: Rudy's great mileage against Hil
New York Sun: Clinton Clashes With Democrats on Security
New York Sun: Clinton Establishes Security Credibility
New York Times: A Theme Song for Clinton: ‘I’m a Believer’ vs. 'Cold as Ice'
New York Times: Romney Political Fortunes Tied to Riches He Gained in Business
New York Times: Iraq Is the Focus as Eight Democratic Rivals Clash
New York Times: Romney Is Central Target of McCain Counterattack
Newport News Daily Press: Fred Thompson sure acting like a candidate
Stamford Advocate: Quotes from the Democrats debate
State College Centre Daily: Gingrich takes Bush White House to task
The Hill: Obama, Edwards exchange salvos on Iraq during CNN debate
Wall Street Journal: Thompson's First Test: Raising Funds Fast
WBAY (Green Bay): Dems hide pet projects from voters
WBBM (Chicago): Video: Fiery Moments at Dems Presidential Debate
WBZ (Boston): Video: So Who Really Won The Democratic Debate
WCBS (New York): Giuliani Visits TWA Flight 800 Crash Victims' Town
WCBS (New York): Video: Iraq War Major Focal Point Of Democratic Presidential Debate
WFOR (Miami): Video: McCain One On One-Candidate Speaks On South Florida Issues
WIS (Columbia): Elizabeth Edwards, facing cancer, writing letter to her children
WMUR (Manchester): Iraq, Health Care Take Center Stage In Debate
WPLG (Miami): Iraq Differences Outlined By 8 Democrats

Note: For more debate coverage including clips, pre and post-debate info,
         please see the surrounding posts or follow the debates tag