CBS News: Edwards, Clinton And Obama Spar On Iraq
CNN (Political Ticker): Biden: You have to be practical
CNN (Political Ticker): Carville: Impressed with Obama
CNN (Political Ticker): Huffington and Murphy: Richardson’s a governor? Really? We never knew!
CNN (Political Ticker): Dodd campaign clocks in
CNN (Political Ticker): Universal health care
CNN (Political Ticker): Biden: Pace is 'flat wrong'
CNN (Political Ticker): Who is talking the most?
CNN (Political Ticker): Clinton: Bill will play a role in my administration
CNN (Political Ticker): Gravel: It's the Democrats’ war also
CNN (Political Ticker): Richardson: 'I'm a border governor'
CNN: Edwards challenges front-runners over Iraq
CNN: Video: Edwards on health care
CNN: Video: Richardson on immigration
CNN: Video: Gravel attacks candidates' Iraq votes
WBBM (Chicago): Video: Presidential Debate for Dems
Note: For more debate coverage including clips, pre and post-debate info,
please see the surrounding posts or follow the debates tag