As has and will be noted;
For more debate coverage including clips, pre and post-debate info,
please see the surrounding posts or follow the debates tag.
Though for coverage specific to the actual events of the prior debates,
the following tags would produce more targeted results;
republican debate
ABC (Political Radar): Live Blogging from Democratic Debate
CNN (Political Ticker): Candidates plan to stay up late
CNN (Political Ticker): The "key" to winning the Democratic debate
CNN (Political Ticker): Candidates are in the house
CNN (Political Ticker): Fair weather friends?
CNN: Video: History of debates
Concord (NH) Monitor: Richard Schiff, actor and activist; Member of Creative Coalition
MSNBC: Democrats debate in N.H.
Washington Post: The Fix: Blogging the Democratic Debate
WBBM (Chicago): Democratic Presidential Debate Gets Underway
WBZ (Boston): Video: Democrats Get Ready For Debate In NH
WMTW (Portland, ME): Video: Stage Set For NH Debate